Maximizing Social Security Retirement Benefits for Married Baby Boomers – Part 4…

Maximizing Social Security Retirement Benefits for Married Baby Boomers – Part 4 of 4

The way Social Security recipients blend their Social Security benefits with other income can make as much difference in net benefit as the election choice because Social Security is a tax-preferred form of income. That said, for those recipients whose only source of retirement income will be Social Security, very likely all of their retirement income will be income-tax-free. On the other end of the income spectrum, people who make several hundred thousand dollars per year of earned or investment income tend to be less concerned about optimizing the tax treatment of their Social Security. It is the middle income category of seniors who can make the most significant improvement in how their Social Security benefits are taxed by how they make their elections.

To examine the income tax effect of delayed receipt, compare the following two scenarios.

In scenario #1, a couple receives a blend of 42% Social Security benefits and 58% income from other income including IRA and 401(k) income. Their total income of $72,000 is made up of $30,000 Social Security and $42,000 other income. Adjusted gross income from this scenario (the taxed portion of Social Security plus other income) comes out at $40,050.

In scenario #2, the couple increases to 72% Social Security benefits ($52,000), and decreases other income to 28% ($20,000). Adjusted gross income (the taxed portion of Social Security plus other income) in this scenario is $8,700 due to the greater share of Social Security benefits, which are only partially taxed.

Baby boomers face important choices to make the best elections in their choice of Social Security retirement benefit start dates. Dual income couples have very substantial opportunities to increase their total benefits above the sum of what two single individuals can receive. Dual income couples can plan carefully for the most likely survivor, and take optimum advantage of the spousal benefit available from Social Security in addition to the benefit available to each individual based on their own work record. Former spouses and widows and widowers in their 60s may have similar opportunities to receive additional spousal benefits based on the work record of their former or deceased spouse in addition to the benefits they are entitled to, based on their own work records.

If you have any questions or want to discuss any items from this series of posts, please feel free to call our office.