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Advantages of a Living Trust

A living trust is substantially more complicated than a typical will. Consequently, it is also more expensive to set up and may require a higher degree of oversight during the settlor’s lifetime. But for some individuals and couples, especially those with larger estates, a living trust can offer numerous benefits. These include avoidance of probate, […]

High-Asset Estate Planning

Estate planning for an individual or couple with a large estate is substantially more complicated than the average estate planning process. Part of this is simply because there are more assets to account for and distribute. But a major reason for the added complexity of high asset estate planning is the implications of the Federal […]

How to Avoid Probate in Florida

Probate is the court supervised process of transferring the property of a deceased individual — held by a legal entity called an estate — to the legal heirs of that person. The process is designed to be simple and streamlined. But as a practical matter, probate administration can be both lengthy and costly. This can […]

Maximizing Social Security Retirement Benefits for Married Baby Boomers – Part 4 of 4

Taxation The way Social Security recipients blend their Social Security benefits with other income can make as much difference in net benefit as the election choice because Social Security is a tax-preferred form of income. That said, for those recipients whose only source of retirement income will be Social Security, very likely all of their […]

Maximizing Social Security Retirement Benefits for Married Baby Boomers – Part 3 of 4

Election Social Security election is often viewed as having to make one of three choices: to take early at a decreased benefit rate, take at the “full retirement age,” or take late at a larger benefit level – sort of each man or woman for himself or herself. Although that is true on one level, […]

Maximizing Social Security Retirement Benefits for Married Baby Boomers – Part 2 of 4

Mortality As mentioned previously, the population as a whole is aging and individuals are living longer than ever before. Many factors affect how long individuals will live, but key factors are lifestyle, including diet, exercise, stress, sleep, exposure to dangerous conditions at work and at home, exposure to environmental health risks and unpredictable risks such […]

Maximizing Social Security Retirement Benefits for Married Baby Boomers – Part 1 of 4

As we all know and statistics confirm, the American population is aging, people in general are living longer than past generations did, and in many cases women outlive men. For these reasons, it is important for people in their sixties to make the best choices in how they elect to claim their Social Security retirement […]